Monday 13 April 2015

LO2: Moodboard & Audience Profile

The Games Corner has a NRS social grade of C1, D & E which means viewers have very little disposable income. This is due to SLTV only being aimed at the people living in certain deprived areas around Sheffield City Centre. 

Hi my name is Mason and I'm 17 years old and in my first year at college. I do Media Studies, Graphic Design and Maths at A Level and really enjoy each subject. Media Studies includes lots of different units one of them including a games design unit in which we had to create our own game idea and then pitch it to a local Sheffield Games Production team. I loved this unit. Yes from what you may have gathered I'm a huge gaming geek. I'm Obsessed. I buy all the latest games for my Xbox One and as soon as I get in from college each day play at least 2 hours online. Its good because I have Xbox Live and so can play online with my friends an talk to them through a microphone whilst playing. I live in Sheffield towards Ecclesall road which is a nice journey into the town center each day to attend college. In the summer I go to Endcliffe Park a lot with my friends to play football or rounders. As well as gaming I do love outdoor activities and being in the fresh air. 
Money is one problem I have as a teenager, but seriously what teenager doesn't have money issues. My Parents give me £20 each week as pocket money for when I go out and need food or clothes ect so sometimes if a new game is coming out it can take me up to 4 weeks to save for it which is depressing sometimes. I have recently found out that Sheffield Live TV! are launching a gaming show called Games Corner which I will definitely be watching religiously.  I love hearing to people's opinions of games and seeing what they rate them.  I also want to go to a gaming convention in the summer such as Play Expo and I've heard that the guys at Games Corner have an episode based all around it so I'll be watching and seeing how good they thought it was!  Also, the new section that they have will inform me of any upcoming gaming nights and events which I'm really interested in attending.​

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